
的想法 & 在COVID-19期间帮助小企业

首先, 祝您身体健康,万事如意, 你的同事和家人都很好. 这段时间对我们任何人来说都不容易, 和 we know that all of you will be adjusting to a different way of living 和 working. 作为一个小公司, we underst和 the problems 和 issues you may be facing over the next few weeks 和 months.

Your customers may not be able to visit you face to face, but you can still communicate 和 operate your business successfully.

We want to show you how you can use this crisis as an opportunity to continue to run your business, 要改变它, 和 to create new opportunities through various online tools 和 digitally engage with your audience. Hopefully helping you through the next few weeks 和 months, but also offering more dependable digital services in the future.



保持对话 - Face to face communication can 很容易 be replaced with digital media. A smartphone, tablet or, laptop with a camera are enough to get started.

使用Whatsapp等即时通讯服务, Facebook Messenger或SMS, you can stay in touch with customers 和 colleagues quickly & 很容易. 

视频通话 - There are lots of great tools available for video conferencing 和 remote maintenance or screen sharing. 

我们使用 Skype & Teamviewer 几年来,我发现这些都很有效.
然而, other options can be found here 和 in most cases can be used free of charge or for a small flat fee for extra features.
提示- - - - - - When using video conferencing tools try to use a headset or headphones with mic, 减少反馈和回声.

电话 can be diverted to home l和lines or mobile phones quickly 和 很容易 using services from TTNC or 循环回路.
We use both TTNC or 循环回路 to supply our geographical & 0800 phone number 和 know first h和, how valuable 和 easy to use these services are.

  • TTNC-供应地理, 0800 numbers 和 provide a really nice user interface to redirect l和lines into there system, 允许它们重定向调用, 使用寻线组, 以你的名义接听电话等等
  • 循环回路 - Provide VoIP Geographical numbers, that redirect to your mobile via an app. 真的很好用,而且价格简单实惠.

We can help you with any methods of communication 和 can also provide advice 和 training on how best to use these. 

Identify new business opportunities - Offer Online courses or sell online.


在英国的许多商业行业, it's possible to consider providing online courses using learning platforms. 

为Joomla! CMS websites several different solutions can be integrated into your website.

  • 当即 -   Is a useful extension, however, is quite expensive at £699
  • 大师 - This is another useful extension which we have used in the past for other clients. 他们提供了一个非常基本的免费版本. 全付费专业版售价299英镑.
  • OSCampus -一个伟大的扩展,是69英镑的优秀价格. A better price if this is a new idea or gamble for your business.

All 3 of these extensions give you updates 和 support with the developer for 12 months

If you have a business that could offer online learning or video information, one of these Joomla extensions could be a great way to create new business, 和 我们可以帮你准备好.


Maybe you would like to showcase 和 work with video content. 像Vimeo和Youtube这样的平台是完美的. You can then offer these 视频 to your customers free or for a fee.
一个快速, easy way to achieve this is to create private or password-protected 视频 和 share the links after a PayPal or BACS payment has been made.

如果你有一个Joomla网站, we can also help host your 视频 on your website 和 make these available to your customers 和 users free of charge or again for a fee.


多年来,我们帮助了许多客户进行创作, 管理, maintaining E-Commerce Webshops 和 also helped these become successful, 通过我们的输入/想法和数字参与.

If you have a business that sells a physical or digital product (such as learning, 视频, 软件), then you could consider adding the ability to sell from your website. Selling via your website is quick, easy, secure 和 available to your customers 24/7.
Another idea could be to sell gift vouchers for your business or services.

The significant advantage of this current crisis is that not only are you working from home, but there are many other people are also working from home, 时间比平时多. So there are a large number of potential customers that you can reach with online courses, 视频, 网店和初始报价.  


我们相信 现在 是否有时间确保网站内容是最新的, 你的形象是新鲜的, 社交媒体帖子是新事物 & 有关, optimise the look of your social media channels 和 catch up on any training for your business 和 for personal growth.

We can work together with you to add new content to your website, 调整已经存在的内容, 优化和刷新图像, 创建社交媒体图形, assist with social media posting 和 general advice on how to engage with your audience digitally.

以及令人耳目一新的内容和数字参与, we can also Skype/Zoom call 和 offer advice on best practices or any training we can help you with.



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